First Party Data: How Your Data Can be Leveraged for Growth

One of our clients, a company with over 1,000 customers had plenty of data, but no tools in place to see or understand it.

Their plentiful customer base and the belief that insights into their customer’s buying history and product mix would provide increased retention made data access a high priority project. 

Unfortunately, access to this data was limited as only one person in the company knew how to query the database and the query results were difficult to read. As a result, the data existed, but was not used. It was imperative to remove the friction from the system and ease the path to analysis. 

The leadership team first identified customer revenue rankings, purchase patterns, and preferred products as metrics to help prioritize customer relationships. This simple step allowed teams to look at specific data. The team then partnered with infoFluency to connect data sources and create dashboards giving everyone the ability to see the data regularly. As a result of this partnership and use of data, the team was able to drive retention with their largest account.

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